Versatile PVC Vinyl Flooring Sheets and Tiles

PVC Flooring is one of the fastest growing flooring products. It is a great & affordable substitute for hardwood or tile flooring.

Choosing the best vinyl floor tiles or flooring sheets for your home can seem overwhelming with such a wide range of flooring available in the markets. You can go for the Vinyl Flooring which is one of the most resilient, versatile and inexpensive flooring option. PVC flooring can be installed as sheet, tiles or plank. Vinyl is usually constructed in layers- the wear layer, the printed or decorative layer, and base.

Marvel Vinyls supplies PVC Floor Covering Sheets for  since 1985 for various applications such as home furnishing, healthcare, sports, transport, retail & offices, hospitality etc. Vinyl flooring comes in both low end and high-end categories.

Marvel Art Floor is comes in less expensive range and delight floor comes in expensive flooring range :-

Printed Flooring range comes in Art Floor that offered in a spectrum of colors and designs comprising of more than 200 prints and shades.
- Heavy Duty Printed Flooring range comes in Delight Floor that looks like Laminate Flooring, stone or wooden floor at fraction of the cost suitable for providing a luxurious low maintenance.

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